Proper training is essential to providing a quality service. All our operatives undergo a thorough Induction and training plan at the start of their employment with us. The training plans are specific to role requirements covering core elements of Health & Safety, Employment Legislation, Management Skills and Essential Operational Skills. We are a BICs accredited training provider and it is this Industry standard that underpins all our operational skills training. We constantly monitor and develop our training packages to meet the demands of the industry and our employees, providing multiple delivery methods. These methods include face to face training, workbooks and toolbox skills via modern media. The methods identified enable us to meet our geographical needs as a national organisation and the part-time employment hours being completed by most of our employees.
They also provide benchmark standards, consistency and flexibility to effectively meet the changing demands within any contract. The Exclusive Group have been recognised and awarded status as a BICS training centre to deliver industry recognised qualification courses to all staff and management. Brayborne understand the importance of making our staff feel valued. Although it is not always possible to reward them financially, we have several different reward schemes in place. Our employee recognition award is open to all our contracts and we invite our clients to nominate any member of staff that they feel has gone over and above the call of duty, winners are then selected at random on a quarterly basis.
The scheme has proven very popular since it started in 2012. Winners receive shopping vouchers and are mentioned in our newsletter. The newsletter is an important resource when it comes to recognising individual employees and is also an excellent way of communicating our company and staff news. We also issue long service awards five, ten and twenty years, recipients receive a certificate and vouchers, for those who have worked ten years also receive a silver carriage clock as a token of our appreciation. All our long serving employees are also mentioned in the newsletter.